The year of the rabbits
New Release by The Glorious Rabbits
"The Year of the Rabbits" delivers nine entertaining tunes that, as always, tell interesting and unique stories, often with a humorous twist.
This great collection offers something for everyone. "Shine," the opening track, is a feel-good tune that that delivers the encouraging message -- "I ain't waiting, it's my time to shine!" Next up is "Don't let the Old Man In," is an inspirational and upbeat song based on a true story. "Phobia" is a dark tale that will take your breath away. Have you ever felt like you cannot get away from your phone or technology? You'll appreciated the delightful "Disturb Me." "Elizabeth" is a twisted fable of a deep romantic obsession with the late beauty and star Elizabeth Taylor.
"Chilled to the Bone" takes a diabolical look at life from the vantage of a cryogenics warehouse worker when something goes incredibly wrong. "The Watcher" reveals a recovering addict's constant pressure from beyond. Anyone with a mom will relate to "Ma Oh Ma," an engaging and funny dialogue between mother and son. "Freedom" is a Celtic-style tale of adventure and quest for liberty.
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